Wednesday, December 17, 2008

First new Drawing in at lest 3 months What a Shame!!!

ok well my last post s few minutes ago made me sad so i whipped up this doodle, its nothing great since this is the first time doodling in at least 3 months.

Haven't drawn in a looooooonng time


I just wanted to post something incase i lost my blog.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

super dooper long overdue

so here is a doodle from quite some time ago, but i have been feeling the urge to doodle again so expect some stuff soon.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Well I am back and loving the cool weather. ok so i guess I'll have to change the banner on the blog. doodles and whatnot coming soon, stay tooned.

A big hello to everyone in Korea I miss you all already.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

9 Days and counting....

Okay here is a another older doodle from a book that was written by a friend. The book was about a zombie that was trying to lead a normal life, along with a bunch of other cool characters. The authors name is Gregory Hoffman, in case your interest has been tweaked.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

19 days until I return to Canada

Well its been fun here in korea, I have had my ups and downs as you do over the course of a year, I'm glad to say that it has been mostly up times, Korea has been really great, my time here has taught me allot. I think I have matured.... a bit, and grown .... older anyways.

Unfortunately, I haven't been drawing as much as I would like but that's just the way it is here is a doodle to make me feel better and hopefully entertain you. Its actually quite an old drawing.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


heres a doodle of a bug ......nuff said.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

sketch book faces 1

well i haven't been drawing to much lately so i dug up a few faces from my sketch book, enjoy

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Something Anything

Been to long without a post so..... enjoy, more coming soon.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


more more more i cant get enough 


More from the land of Godzilla.


Well what can I say Japan was AWESOME! here are a few pics from harajoko girls to pure awesomeness, unfortunately i was only there for 5 days we started in Osaka from there Kyoto, and then finally Tokyo. I am deffinitly thinking of moving there it was so rich in culture and art, especially all the manga and anime which is my cup of tea.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Feudal Fugu

I have an idea for a short board or show that I shall call.... Feudal Fugu, here are some of the designs.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bloody Mess

Hi all, well I am still here, still alive after a little spill i had going down the ramp to the bike path. It  all started one absolutely beautiful day here in south korea near the Anyang river, i was all jazzed about going for a nice hard rollerblade but little did i know that the fates had it in for me, anyways just scraped my arm and back up quite a bit got some nice road rash but chicks dig scars right, well maybe not ones inflected through stupidity, oh well live and learn.  

Sunday, July 6, 2008


One day a few months ago i was watching tv here in Korea and i came to a show that looked very familiar, i was surprised  to see that it was none other then a show i had briefly worked on a about a year previously. The show was a Korean 3d anime about 3 girls about 8 years old or so that could change into older versions of themselves and fight monsters, it was quite funny the differences once they had transformed, judge for yourself.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


So here it is my first finished digital painting, i have been working on this on and off now for awhile but i have finally had enough of it and its time to move onto something else so here it. this painting started out as just a doodle of a fat guy but i decided that i would try to challenge myself and paint it.

comments and critiques are welcome 

Comments Welcome

anybody who wants to leave a comment can now.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Anime Style

more doodles, this time... IN ANIME STYLE!!!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008


So no painting up yet, because I have been busy being on vacation, we went to a Pension which is like a cottage, it was really fun we call it Mr. Lees Love Shack, Mr Lee was really funny and nice. The pension was just like being back in Canada, it was on a river and there was water skying and everything, we were there for only one night but it felt like much longer. I had a great Birthday dinner and ate so much meat and cake to last me for quite some time. Anyways I'll post those pictures shortly but for now here is a doodle of an alien, how about that.

Monday, June 9, 2008

New model

Hey all well I have been up to all sorts of great artsy fartsy things today, I've been doing some nice painting that will be up soon and I just whipped of this model for fun its nice to sort of change mediums and yet not have to leave the computer, well I guess thats a good thing and a bad thing. oh well.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

More Bling

OK here is another character 

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Character ideas

Some Anime style doodles for a comic book that might happen.

Just saw Indiana Jones

Well i just saw Indy 4 and i have to say it wasn't totally horrible it was actually ok, i would have done a few things different but ill give it a pass just barely its definitely not as good as the originals but ok.

oh and i saw it before all of you hahahh because of the time difference. i went and saw it at 9:40 am it was the first showing hehehehehehe. so thats 8:40 pm yesterday in Ottawa muuuhhahahaha.

ok talk to me about it. tell me what you thought.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008


just a little something something

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Soooo here is my first work in progress attempt at modeling/sculpting in Zbrush so far so good its bit hard to learn but not to bad.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


ok so im back to doing some doodles, here are a few sketch ideas for a Zombie from a friend's book that is very bazzare and funny, more to come.