Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Literally the first doodle in at least 3 months

Hello brain well you did it. You put a real pen to real paper, well the hand that is connected to you did and here is the outcome. The reason that this happened is because I'm at work, terribly bored, my partner in crime is off on vacation having hopefully a nice relaxing time and I'm stuck here with you brain, my only entertainment. Well your not so bad. Your a good brain where would I be without you.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

iPhone there for I am

I'm sure someone has used that before but really I'm just kinda happy to have a camera now. I took this one on my way to eat ice cream.

No new doodles sorry, yelling about iPhone

Monday, September 26, 2011


working nights this week, can't say I'm to happy about it. heres a doodles of what i feel like after the first night. i think ill try to do a progression each day of how i feel. stay tuned.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Gastro Girl

finally sat down and did some drawing today, here is the first quick doodle of gastro girl based on a friend from work.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

new tablet

ok a re post of a painting i did the other day i didn't like the water colour effect after all.

so to recap: first painting with new tablet, yet again first piece of art in a long time, and i might work on an idea with some friends at work. etc same old same old.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

mickey on crack

don't think i've posted this one before?

Monday, June 6, 2011


just going through my doodles folder and stumbled across this one, i thought it was quit nice so here it is.

could be me

this is what I'm turning into i think. its an old doodle that i stumbled on.

Harassment works

ok, so this is a post for a co worker who has successfully, brow beaten me into drawing again and i must thank her for it, otherwise i would have spent my weekend bored as hell.

dedicated to my one and only groupie , Zoe.
